Monday, May 11, 2009

Decorative Balls/Spheres

It's Frugal Friday over at The Shabby Nest- make sure and check out all the other cool stuff people have made!

I wanted to put a few decorative balls in my cloche since there isn't a holiday coming up real soon. The cheapest I could find these balls was $6.99 each. I knew I could make them for less so here's what I came up with-
What you need:
Styrofoam balls (I bought a 6 pack at JoAnn's for $3.00)
hot glue gun
sunflower seeds
acrylic craft paint of choice
foam brush
What you do:
1. Place sunflower seeds, rice, and beans in separate bowls.
2. Apply hot glue to each Styrofoam ball, small area at a time, then roll in desired texture (ie: beans, rice, seeds). Press texture firmly against ball.
3. Paint each ball using a foam brush. Let dry completely.
This project cost me $3.00, I had everything but the Styrofoam balls.